A Phlebotomy Service (blood taking service) runs five days per week within the Wigan Borough on an appointment basis. It is most locally available at Golborne Clinic, though there are other sites where you can attend if you are unable to obtain a convenient appointment at Golborne Clinic.
If you are asked to go for blood tests, always ensure the Doctor or the Practice Nurse gives you a blood request form for you to take to your Phlebotomy appointment.
To arrange an appointment with a Phlebotomist, at a site which is convenient to you, please contact telephone number 0300 555 4567 (central booking line for the Wigan Borough Phlebotomy Service) or visit www.wwl.nhs.uk/phlebotomy.
It is usual practise for us to ask you to leave it one week before you inquire re any results and, if you do ring the surgery to discuss results, we would be grateful if you could do so of an afternoon rather than in the morning (when phones are very busy).
Any samples which are to be sent via the Practice to the laboratory, must be received by the Practice by 10:15am, Monday to Friday.